Debbie Bickel of Auburn, Ind., chats with local media before the legacy ride kicks off.
American Legion Riders chapters are well known for their charitable work, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local children’s hospitals, schools, veterans homes, severely wounded servicemembers and scholarships.
Since 2006, Riders nationwide have participated in the Legion Legacy Run, to annually raise money for the Legacy Scholarship Fund, established to provide scholarships to children of U.S. military personnel killed since Sept. 11, 2001.
For the latest in Riders apparel and gear, including patches, go to Legion Rider Merchandise – Emblem Sales.
Every American Legion National Commander since 2006 has accompanied or led The American Legion Legacy Run each year from the organization’s national headquarters in Indianapolis to the National Convention sites in Salt Lake City, Reno, Phoenix, Louisville, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Niagara Fall, Houston, Charlotte, Baltimore, and finally in Cincinnati in August 2016.
The Legacy Run will ride again in August, 2017 to Reno, Nevada for the 99th annual National Convention. Sponsored by USAA®, The American Legion Legacy Run is one of the largest multistate, multiday cross-country motorcycle events held in the United States. More than 500 motorcyclists and passengers are expected to participate this year.
The Legacy Run directly supports national fundraising efforts on behalf of The American Legion Legacy Scholarship. This scholarship provides educational assistance to the children of active duty United States Active, National Guard and Reserve who were federalized and died while on active federal service on or after September 11, 2001. In 2017, the scholarship will be expanded to include the children of post 9-11 active duty veterans with a VA-determined service disability rating of at least 50 percent.
The American Legion Riders have continued to expand local and statewide fundraising activities with “Legacy Runs” all over the United States, raising public awareness and visibility of the Legacy Scholarship and the critical needs of these children. The Riders seek and obtain donations as well from posts, units, and squadrons and from private organizations, businesses, and individuals. Moreover, of the total $9,584,287 raised from all sources from 2002 to 2015, approximately $5,500,000 (58 percent) was directly generated by post and department ALR programs. Significantly, a major portion of the ALR donations are now the result of a growing number of department “state-wide” Legacy Runs planned and conducted by the departments and posts.
Complete 2016 figures are not yet available, but the total raised from all sources in 2016 by the end of the Cincinnati National Convention (Sept. 1) was $1,152,363.
In August, 2017, The American Legion Legacy Run will travel to Reno, Nevada, the site of the 99th annual American Legion National Convention.
Return to this page often for upcoming information as ride planning continues. Registration will begin no later than March 2017.
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